Thursday, March 10, 2011

Costa Rica Countdown: 1 Day

Get ready for Spring Break 2011!!
In a matter of 36 hours, I will be on a plane headed to Central America for my first time.  Before studying abroad in Florence, Italy this winter, I had only ever been to Mexico, most of which I do not remember.  Needless to say, I am so excited to add another trip to my budding travelling career.  I am not going to lie,  the normal waves of anxiousness then excitement that I get before travel or any new experience have been starting to flow through my mind as my trip to Costa Rica is only hours away.  Travel, especially international travel, is a big deal and learning to plan accordingly is a giant task and a an ongoing process.  This being only one of few major adventure trips I have been on is just another lesson into what prep goes into making sure you have the right clothing, equiptment, and frame of mind.  Here are a few of the travel and packing tips that I have added to my own list, a list that is bound to keep growing.

      1) LESS is More  What I have learned from my experience participating in and guiding ELAC trips are the concepts of simplicity and packing only the essentials.  I think I have debated over which t-shirts to bring about six times now (I am still learning).
      2) Be FLEXIBLE  Plans change, bad weather happens, people drop out, and mistakes can happen.  I have learned that being flexible and looking at change as a way to grow and gain a new perspective oftentimes makes a trip better.  After an unexpected delay that led to an extra night in Paris on my journey home from Florence, I am up for anything Cost Rica travel has to offer!
      3) Go outside your comfort zone Being with a new group of people you have never met before and in a new place takes a toll on my level of comfort.  I distinctly remember the pang of discomfort I felt in the van on my first guide trip to Mt. San Jacinto.  I remember texting my dad and telling him I was nervous.  But look at me now: I helped guide an out of state trip to Zion National Park in Utah last semester, and now I am headed on an international trip with ELAC!  Growth and experiences of a lifetime come when you can step outside the confines of your everyday routines.

So, there you go.  Here is my insight into travel thus far and these are the three main things I am going to remember as I prepare to have the experience of my life.  I am most excited for being completely immersed in the jungle, for the COFFEE, and for the awesome white water rafting that I get to experience, all of which are just a plane ride away!

Check out our guides for the week:
Vereh River, Costa Rica Spring Break Trip 2010
Photo credit: Mark Ceder

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